fmovies The Wolf of Wall Street Full Movie Dailymotion
Rating - 1126221 vote /
180 Min /
Genre - Crime /
8,3 / 10 Stars
RIP to mad max. Why do you hold it in? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.
Omg he should get Oscar for each movie! And at least 2 for this one
VERY DISAPPOINTED with Wolf of Wall Street!
I have watched every single movie for Leonardo Dicaprio as he is one of my best actors and I usually find his movies extraordinary and very entertaining but Wolf of Wall Street had no plot and no context at all!
A long boring movie that was supposed to be based on a true story that lacks the details of what really happened with just too much sex scenes and drug use that adds nothing to the storyline!
This is my first review here on IMDb.
I wish they had the option of choosing 0/10.
I repeat, don't pay for it.
This reminds me of that ny times article about working at Amazon. EJ Entertainment. One of the best scenes of all time. Simply Epic. Everytime I watch this that laugh gets me off the table 😂. Best trailer I have EVER seen in my whole life. After I saw this trailer for the first time, I snuck into that theater, bought the song on iTunes, and when the DVD came out, it was in my collection. Best trailer EVER.
Note to self: Always have a poisonous pet fish at work, in case the boss feels like eating it. 2:34 what's the song playing. 6:10 - 6:25 How Lenoardo Di Caprio talks to his cleaning and cooking staff everyday when the go home. When Brad throws the ketchup! Love that part! Hahaha. Hollywood liberals take their best swipe at Wall Street liberals. Still, the old saw applies: you have to be one to know one. Is there really a clean end of a turd called art? I am no prude, still this rendition of the depravity of Hollywood excesses, projected into the Wall Street excesses leaves one feeling violated. The audience laughed, because it was reviled to an extreme, so that the laugh was preferable to vomiting. Try as you will, you cannot roll in manure and come up clean. Most people recognize that depraved behavior in the end is destructive, to self and society. Why spend hours examining excrement? Is the critical merit ascribed by critics and users alike, that the movie is so repulsively done that it makes it art? By Hollywood standards, it seems so. The movie actually did what the characters did, it stole from viewers for its own excesses, to make money and achieve notoriety. They tried to portray filth without becoming filthy themselves. That's an illusion. How sad a commentary on an aging director, and a failing industry. Yet we the public eat "it" this crap) up. What a sad commentary on us. This movie is beyond tragic.
3:37 why would there be a seagull in the middle of the ocean
THIS MOVIE WAS THE BEST MOVIE SEEN IN MY LIFE. Three hours of watching a movie for three days is not that I'm not interested in the movie, but I really don't have time. Leonardo should be more reserved than hysterical. It's not a big surprise. The contrast at the end is obvious: the successful agents are sitting on the subway alone, while the released capitalists welcome new believers. Who is the loser.